
If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants ~ Isaac Newton

Therapeutic induction of energy metabolism reduces neural tissue damage and increases microglia activation in severe spinal cord injury

Dolci S, Mannino L, Bottani E, Campanelli A, Di Chio M, Zorzin S, D’Arrigo G, Amenta A, Segala A, Paglia G, Denti V, Fumagalli G, Nisoli E, Valerio A, Verderio C, Martano G, Bifari F, Decimo I. Pharmacological Research. 2022 Apr;178:106149.On 23/12/22 16:49.

Murine cerebral organoids develop network of functional neurons and hippocampal brain region identity

Ciarpella F, Zamfir RG, Campanelli A, Ren E, Pedrotti G, Bottani E, Borioli A, Caron D, Di Chio M, Dolci S, Ahtiainen A, Malpeli G, Malerba G, Bardoni R, Fumagalli G, Hyttinen J, Bifari F, Palazzolo G, Panuccio G, Curia G, Decimo I. iScience. 2021 Nov 15;24(12):103438

Tumor-Released Products Promote Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophage Survival and Proliferation

Motta J. M., Rumjanek V. M., Mantovani A., Locati M., Biomedicines 2021, 9(10), 1387

Meninges: a Widespread Niche of Neural Progenitors for the Brain

Decimo I, Dolci S, Panuccio G, Riva M, Fumagalli G, Bifari F. Neuroscientist. 2021; 27(5): 506-528.

Diversity, Mechanisms, and Significance of Macrophage Plasticity

Locati M, Curtale G, Mantovani A. Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease 2020;15:123-147

Macrophage ferroportin is essential for stromal cell proliferation in wound healing

Recalcati S, Gammella E, Buratti P, et al. Haematologica. 2019;104(1): 47-58.

Neurogenic Radial Glia-like Cells in Meninges Migrate and Differentiate into Functionally Integrated Neurons in the Neonatal Cortex

Bifari F., Decimo I.,Pino A., Llorens-Bobadilla E., Zhao S., Lange C., Panuccio G., Boeckx B., Thienpont B., Vinckier S., Wyns S., Bouche´ A., Lambrechts, D., Giugliano M., Dewerchin M., Martin-Villalba A., Carmeliet P. Cell Stem Cell, Volume 20, Issue 3, p.360-373.e1-e7, March 02, 2017

Inhibition of the Glycolytic Activator PFKFB3 in Endothelium Induces Tumor Vessel Normalization, Impairs Metastasis, and Improves Chemotherapy

Cantelmo AR, Conradi LC, Brajic A, Goveia J, Kalucka J, Pircher A, Chaturvedi P, Hol J, Thienpont B, Teuwen LA, Schoors S, Boeckx B, Vriens J, Kuchnio A, Veys K, Cruys B, Finotto L, Treps L, Stav-Noraas TE, Bifari F, Stapor P, Decimo I, Kampen K, De Bock K, Haraldsen G, et al., Cancer Cell, Volume 30, Issue 6, p.968-985, December 12, 2016

Relief of hypoxia by angiogenesis promotes neural stem cell differentiation by targeting glycolysis

Lange C, Turrero Garcia M, Decimo I, et al.. EMBO J. 2016;35(9):924-941.

Deletion or Inhibition of the Oxygen Sensor PHD1 Protects against Ischemic Stroke via Reprogramming of Neuronal Metabolism

Quaegebeur A, Segura I, Schmieder R, Verdegem D, Decimo I, Bifari F, Dresselaers T, Eelen G, Ghosh D, Davidson SM, Schoors S, Broekaert D, Cruys B, Govaerts K, De Legher C, Bouché A, Schoonjans L, Ramer MS, et al., Cell Metabolism, Volume 23, Issue 2, p.280-291, February 09, 2016

Macrophage Metabolism Shapes Angiogenesis in Tumors

Alberto Mantovani e Massimo Locati. Cell Metabolism 24, Issue 5, p. 653-654, November 08, 2016

Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) induced by inflammatory priming elicits mesenchymal stromal cell-like immune-modulatory properties in cancer cells

Ricciardi, M., Zanotto, M., Malpeli, G. et al.; Br J Cancer 112, 1067–1075 (2015).

Partial and Transient Reduction of Glycolysis by PFKFB3 Blockade Reduces Pathological Angiogenesis

Schoors S., De Bock K., Cantelmo A.R., Georgiadou M., Ghesquie`re B., Cauwenberghs S., Kuchnio A., Wong B.W., Quaegebeur A., Goveia J., Bifari F., Wang X., Blanco R. et al.; Cell Metabolism, Issue 1; p. 37-48, January 07, 2014

Macrophage Activation and Polarization: Nomenclature and Experimental Guidelines

Alberto Mantovani e Massimo Locati., Immunity,Volume 41, Issue 1, p.14-20, July 17, 2014

Chapter Six - Macrophage Activation and Polarization as an Adaptive Component of Innate Immunity

Massimo Locati, Alberto Mantovani, Antonio Sica; Advances in Immunology, Academic Press, Volume 120, 2013; Pages 163-184

Clinical-grade mesenchymal stromal cells produced under various good manufacturing practice processes differ in their immunomodulatory properties: standardization of immune quality controls

Menard C, Pacelli L, Bassi G, et al. Stem Cells Dev. 2013;22(12):1789-1801.

Role of PFKFB3-driven glycolysis in vessel sprouting

De Bock K, Georgiadou M, Schoors S, Kuchnio A, Wong BW, Cantelmo AR, Quaegebeur A, Ghesquière B, Cauwenberghs S, Eelen G, Phng LK, Betz I, Tembuyser B, Brepoels K, Welti J, Geudens I, Segura I, Cruys B, Bifari F, Decimo I, Blanco R, Wyns S, Vangindertael J, Rocha S, Collins RT, et al. P. Cell. 2013 Aug 1;154(3):651-63.

Tumor-Associated Macrophages as a Paradigm of Macrophage Plasticity, Diversity, and Polarization

Alberto Mantovani, Massimo Locati; Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology,Volume 33, Issue 7, July 2013; Pages 1478-1483

Neural stem cell niches in health and diseases

Decimo I, Bifari F, Krampera M, Fumagalli G. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2012;18(13):1755-83.

Macrophage plasticity and polarization in tissue repair and remodelling

Alberto Mantovani, Subhra K Biswas, Maria Rosaria Galdiero, Antonio Sica, Massimo Locati, The Journal of Pathology, Volume 229, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 176-185

Semaphorin 4A Exerts a Proangiogenic Effect by Enhancing Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A Expression in Macrophages

Claudia Meda, Fabiola Molla, Maria De Pizzol, Donatella Regano, Federica Maione, Stefania Capano, Massimo Locati, Alberto Mantovani, Roberto Latini, Federico Bussolino, Enrico Giraudo; J Immunol 15 April 2012; 188 (8): 4081–4092.

Nestin-and doublecortin-positive cells reside in adult spinal cord meninges and participate in injury-induced parenchymal reaction

Decimo I, Bifari F, Rodriguez FJ, Malpeli G, Dolci S, Lavarini V, Pretto S, Vasquez S, Sciancalepore M, Montalbano A, Berton V, Krampera M, Fumagalli G. Stem Cells. 2011 Dec;29(12):2062-76.

Role of c-MYC in alternative activation of human macrophages and tumor-associated macrophage biology

Oscar M. Pello, Maria De Pizzol, Massimiliano Mirolo, Laura Soucek, Luca Zammataro, Angelo Amabile, Andrea Doni, Manuela Nebuloni, Lamorna B. Swigart, Gerard I. Evan, Alberto Mantovani, Massimo Locati. Blood 2012; 119 (2): 411–421.

Immunological properties of embryonic and adult stem cells

Bifari F, Pacelli L, Krampera M. World J Stem Cells. 2010 Jun 26;2(3):50-60.