
Companies are built to do together what you cannot do alone ~ David Packard

Cristiana Vignoli, CEO

Cristiana Vignoli, CEO, explains Hemera’s applied research on the regeneration of nervous tissue in traumatic and severe spinal cord injury.

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Interview to Guido Fumagalli, President

Guido Fumagalli, President and Chief Medical Officer, traces the stages of a history of Italian excellence in the field of regenerative medicine.

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Ilaria Decimo, R&D Director

In this interview, Dr. Ilaria Decimo, R&D Director, talks about the new goal that awaits her research team after the preclinical experimentation phase.

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Intervista Aldo Cocchiglia, Board member

Aldo Cocchiglia, member of the Board of Directors with responsibility for Fundraising, speaks of his choice to run an enterprise capable of marking a turning point in the research on spinal tissue regeneration.

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Corrado Creston, First Investor

Corrado Creston, Add Value CEO and Hemera’s First Investor, is a pillar of Hemera, having participated in the creation of the company together with G.A.L.M. Gruppo Animazione Lesionati Midollari (an association for people with spinal cord lesions).

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