The press speaks about Hemera after the press conference held in Verona
After the Press Conference held on Wednesday March 9, 2022 in Verona, the traditional and online press report the news of the presentation of Hemera’s – in collaboration with the University of Verona, the University of Milan, and the Humanitas Clinical Institute – all-Italian research for a new cell therapy promoting the regeneration of nervous tissue following spinal cord injury.
Here is a first list of releases:
A reprogrammed cell paves the way for motor recovery for those with spinal lesions
Univr Magazine
From Verona cells “trained” to repair spinal lesions
Hemera: Univerona, Milan State University and Humanitas together for a regenerative medicine project
La Statale News
Healthcare. University of Verona protagonist of the “Hemera” regenerative medicine project. Zaia, “extraordinary strike against spinal lesions”
Regione del Veneto
Regenerative medicine, the all-Italian project for a therapy to repair spinal lesions
Veneto Economia
Spinal cord injuries, hope in the reprogrammed cell
Il Gazzettino
A drug for spinal lesions
Il Gazzettino Salute
Spinal lesions, regenerative therapy is being tested
La Nuova Venezia – La Tribuna di Treviso
Spinal lesions, a reprogrammed cell promotes motor recovery. Made in Italy regenerative medicine project
In Salute News
A cell reprogrammed for spinal lesions.
Reprogrammed cell opens new perspectives for motor recovery in spinal lesions. Italian research
University of Verona: how to restore motor skills to people with spinal lesions
Veneto Sociale
Spinal lesions, the spin-off
Reprogrammed cell paves the way for motor recovery for those with spinal lesions
Spinal lesions, a reprogrammed cell paves the way for motor recovery
Verona Sera
Medicine, a drug against spinal cord lesions from the Universities of Verona and Milan
Spinal lesions: a reprogrammed cell is being tested in Verona
Spinal injuries, “Hemera” Project: the University of Verona wants to create a therapy to repair spinal lesions
Il Serenissimo
Updated to March 28, 2022