The press speaks about Hemera after the press conference held in Verona

Mar 10, 2022 | Press Review

After the Press Conference held on Wednesday March 9, 2022 in Verona, the traditional and online press report the news of the presentation of Hemera’s – in collaboration with the University of Verona, the University of Milan, and the Humanitas Clinical Institute – all-Italian research for a new cell therapy promoting the regeneration of nervous tissue following spinal cord injury.

Here is a first list of releases:

A reprogrammed cell paves the way for motor recovery for those with spinal lesions

Univr Magazine

From Verona cells “trained” to repair spinal lesions


Hemera: Univerona, Milan State University and Humanitas together for a regenerative medicine project

La Statale News

Healthcare. University of Verona protagonist of the “Hemera” regenerative medicine project. Zaia, “extraordinary strike against spinal lesions”

Regione del Veneto

Regenerative medicine, the all-Italian project for a therapy to repair spinal lesions

Veneto Economia

Spinal cord injuries, hope in the reprogrammed cell

Il Gazzettino

A drug for spinal lesions

Il Gazzettino Salute

Spinal lesions, regenerative therapy is being tested

La Nuova Venezia – La Tribuna di Treviso

Spinal lesions, a reprogrammed cell promotes motor recovery. Made in Italy regenerative medicine project

In Salute News

A cell reprogrammed for spinal lesions.

Reprogrammed cell opens new perspectives for motor recovery in spinal lesions. Italian research


University of Verona: how to restore motor skills to people with spinal lesions

Veneto Sociale

Spinal lesions, the spin-off


Reprogrammed cell paves the way for motor recovery for those with spinal lesions


Spinal lesions, a reprogrammed cell paves the way for motor recovery

Verona Sera

Medicine, a drug against spinal cord lesions from the Universities of Verona and Milan


Spinal lesions: a reprogrammed cell is being tested in Verona


Spinal injuries, “Hemera” Project: the University of Verona wants to create a therapy to repair spinal lesions

Il Serenissimo


Updated to March 28, 2022